The World through  My Lens


Hello, my dear readers. Nice to meet you in my web site. I always try to write new useful and interesting articles for you.

I am sharing the latest news now, looking forward to your comments:


 From  April 25 till May 8, I shoot in the south of France (Monaco, Nice, Cannes, Monte Carlo) and in Italy (Florence, San Remo) and in nearby towns. Any questions concerning shoots ask our admins. The theme will be NewBorn Kitten.





1. Hello, I would like to participate in your shootingswith my kittens . What is needed? Thank you for attention. Ilana.


2.Hello! We would like to order a photo-day-by-day in Monaco. Is it possible? Where can I find prices for photo shoots? Thank you! Antonio & Adorella.


3. I would like to thank Ana for this wonderful website. I have learned a lot of useful information. Especially about traveling. Go on writing, thank you! Adrian Shaw